“The glory of the Lord has risen upon you”

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you".”

(Isaiah 60:1)

The Lord graciously let His Face shine upon us as we gathered on October 15th and 16th, 2023 to celebrate an open house and the unveiling of our new Eucharistic pilgrimage site. Gathering with our dearest friends and neighbors, we processed Our Lord to the site, featuring a replica of a beautiful monstrance, 80 inches in diameter, two handmade adoring angels, and a spacious pavilion…all created to proclaim to the world the Second Lifting:

The First Lifting was on the throne of the Cross, where God showed the depth of His love for us.

The Second Lifting is in the throne of the monstrance, where we show the depth of our love for Him.

An untold amount of love, sweat (and possibly tears!) were poured into every detail of this site, and the pilgrimage signs all along the road and Via Caeli, by our gracious and generous donors and volunteer builders and carpenters. May God reward them abundantly through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

As we gathered on both days, the rain was held at bay, the clouds disappeared, and the sun shone upon us, as we knelt before Our Eucharistic Lord, adoring Him, loving Him, thanking Him for His countless blessings, singing and making reparation, begging for mercy for our nation and our world. Fr. David Sizemore and Fr. Peter Claver each presided over the 2-day celebrations.

We then processed Our Lord back to the the New Ark of the Covenant Chapel for a Holy Hour. The first Ark was the one Noah built, that saved a few, chosen people from the flood that destroyed all mankind except Noah and his family.  The new Ark will save all those who ‘enter’, that is, all who will enter into the Holy Catholic Church and believe all Her teachings that have been handed down throughout the centuries, from the time of Christ until now. These teachings include love for Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament, and love for Our Blessed Mother.

It is our love for Emmanuel, God-with-us, in the Most Blessed Sacrament that makes this land the Delight of His Sacred Heart. We invite all to come to “the land” and make this pilgrimage to “the Heart of God,” to “enter His rest.”

Join with us in quenching Jesus’ thirst to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament and let’s shout it from the rooftops:

We love You Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament!


“In His Temple, All Cry Glory!” (Torchbearers of the Queen Summer Retreat 2023)