A Holy Hour for the Second Lifting of Jesus

There is one thing that will stop the flow of evil…
The Second Lifting

Jesus was lifted up when He died on the Cross for us. He overcame sin and death. But there is still much evil in the world, perhaps more than at any other time in history. So if Jesus overcame sin and death, why is there still evil on earth? Because Jesus is to be lifted up again. The resurrected Jesus is physically present to the saints and angels in Heaven, and He is physically present here on earth in the tabernacle of every Catholic Church throughout the world. In Heaven He is praised and adored day and night. On earth He is much of the time left alone, dwelling inside the tabernacle, longing for His People to come to Him. His Heart is afire with love for us; He thirsts for our love. It is time for us to acknowledge His Presence with us, to acclaim Him Lord and God by enthroning Him on our altars and adoring Him with great love and reverence. When we do this, He will indeed draw all to men to Himself. Grace will flood the earth. The spiritually blind will see the truth that Jesus is Lord. There will be innumerable miracles of conversion. Abortion will end. Vocations to the priesthood and religious life will be plentiful, and many other wonderful things will come to be.

Jesus humbled Himself and became man. He shed every drop of His Blood for love of us. He did His part. Now the time has come for us to do our part – to enthrone Him and adore Him in the Holy Eucharist. When Heaven and earth are united in adoring the Lamb Who was slain, peace will come to earth. “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself.”

Ask your pastor if your parish can begin holding regularly scheduled Holy Hours of Eucharistic adoration for the purpose of praying for the grace for all mankind to adore Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. This is a grace God wants to give the world, but we must ask for it. Placing ourselves in the Immaculate Heart of Mary we offer Our Heavenly Father His Eucharistic Son and beg this grace for mankind. Each time even one person adores Our Lord, every man, woman and child on the face of the earth receives grace. Imagine the torrent of graces that will flood the earth when multitudes come in humble adoration! (If you cannot arrange to have these holy hours in your parish, the next best thing to do would be for you and your friends to go before Our Lord and pray for this intention. Your prayers will help lift Jesus high!) Why would you want to offer your prayers for this intention when you have so many personal intentions to pray for? Because if you consecrate yourself to Mary, She will see to your intentions while you pray for the desire of Her Heart: that Her Son be adored. To be sure – you and your loved ones will come out ahead, as will all mankind!

He created all. It is only fitting that all adore Him. Let every faithful heart cry out with great love and desire:

Let the peoples praise You, O God;
let all the peoples praise You!

The cd “Lift Jesus High” is Eucharistic-centered and may be played at the Holy Hour for all mankind to adore Our Eucharistic King.


Prayer Before Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion


Special Holy Hours